Dental Implants

The Look And Feel of Natural Teeth

The loss of one or more teeth can have a major impact on the function and shape of your mouth and the appearance of your smile:

  • Missing teeth can change the shape of your mouth and the look of your face.
  • Gaps in your teeth can impair your ability to eat certain foods.
  • The spaces left by missing teeth can reduce the attractiveness of your smile and diminish your sense of confidence.

Dr. Perry Sugar has many years of experience in helping their patients realize the benefits of replacement teeth that mimic the look and feel of natural teeth.

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is made from titanium. It bonds to the jaw, much like the root of a natural tooth and permanently replaces a lost tooth. Dental implants are suitable to anyone in good general health. They are put in place during a simple, short surgical procedure done under local anesthetic.

Full-Arch Restoration with Dental Implants

Not too long ago the only solution for people who had lost some or all of their teeth was dentures. Dentures could not be permanently fixed in the mouth and were often uncomfortable and cumbersome.

Modern dentistry enables us to replace several or all of a patient’s teeth by anchoring dental implants to a fixed bridge. The end result is natural-looking teeth that allow patients to regain the full function of their mouth.

Dental Implants for Single Missing Teeth

In cases where a single tooth and its root are damaged, dental implants offer a fast and easy solution that replaces the tooth with minimum discomfort for the patient.

Contact us today to learn how dental implants can improve your smile and your life.